The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB), the Division of Military Science is celebrating its Army ROTC Spring ’22 graduates.
Eleven graduates were commissioned as second lieutenants at the May 7 commencement exercises, several of whom are already on national and global assignment. One cadetis recognized as a Distinguished Military Graduate, having placed in the top 15% of all Army ROTC students commissioning this year from HBCU schools across America.
The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff is an HBCU situated in the heart of the Arkansas Delta. The school has a long tradition of educating and commissioning African American officers for service in the United States Army. From its humble beginnings as a land-grant college founded in 1873, to its current status as a research university, UAPB has always been committed to serving its community and producing leaders.
A few of the UAPB 2022 commissioned officers include:
Kayana Brown (Biology) – Active Duty in the US Army and is going to Fort Lee, VA, where she will do her basic course with a subsequent assignment to South Korea after it.
Tyesha Fields (Forensic Chemistry) – commissioned into the Chemical Corps, U.S. Army – Active Duty and is preparing for her basic course at Fort Leonard Wood, MO;
Michael Gerwitz (Industrial Technology and Applied Engineering) – commissioning into the Infantry Corps, U.S. Army – Active Duty and will receive his follow-on assignment while he attends his basic course in Fort Benning, GA;
Sade Hudson (Human Performance) – commissioned into the Quartermaster Corps, U.S. Army – Active Duty and is now on assignment to Fort Drum, NY, following completion of her basic course at Fort Lee, VA;
The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff’s Army ROTC program is one of the most successful in the nation, with a long tradition of producing quality officers who are leaders in their communities. These young men and women have chosen to continue that tradition by serving their country. We are proud of them and wish them all the best as they begin their military careers!
If you would like more information about UAPB’s Army ROTC program, or any of our other programs, please visit their website at uapb.edu or contact them at (870)575-7401.